• Question: why do you like cooking

    Asked by anon-39837 to Vincent on 30 Nov 2022.
    • Photo: Vincent Monchal

      Vincent Monchal answered on 30 Nov 2022:

      I love cooking because I love good food at the first place. I also love making nice dishes for my loved ones, it is really satisfying when you have spent some time cooking, the food looks good and people you love are tasting it and ask for more after.
      Like in science cooking can be the place to innovate and try new things or just give a new twist to a good old recipe. Once you have the basic of the cooking you can improvise recipe and still land on your feet.
      Finally cooking is a way to remember some member of my family when they are far because they have given me those recipes and I try to celebrate their memory while having a great meal.
